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About BC Soccer

Board of Directors, Committees & Meetings

Role & Composition of BC Soccer Board of Directors

BC Soccer’s non-profit Board of Directors is elected by the BC Soccer membership at the Annual General Meeting. Board Directors are designated to various standing committees with one Board liaison assigned to each operational committee.  Board of Directors meetings are held approximately every six weeks.

Some of the key responsibilities of the Board of Directors include the following;

  • Ensuring the mission, vision, values and strategic planning are the focus and direction of the organization;
  • Providing effective oversight on the sound and ethical management of BC Soccer and more specifically on the key components of Finance, Risk and Governance;
  • Providing support to our membership generally and more specifically through a Regional Liaison Program, Committees, Working Groups and other programs;
  • Working closely with the Executive Director to deliver against approved planning as well as objectives and overall direction;
  • Developing, maintaining and approving governance policies;
  • Ensuring that continual improvement is an ongoing practice; and
  • Most importantly, being advocates for the game of soccer.

BC Soccer’s Board Liaison Program

The Board Liaison Program is designed to install one or two Board Directors per regional area. This provides member organizations with direct points of contact to communicate BC Soccer's strategic initiatives while providing an appropriate feedback channel to the Association. Please click here for a detailed description of the program.

Board of Directors

Debbie Pudek
Liaison: BC
John Charlton
Liaison: Lower and Upper Vancouver Island
John O'Flynn
Liaison: Burnaby & North Fraser
Lisa Murray
Vice President
Liaison: BC
Don Dancey
Liaison: Vancouver, Richmond
Michelle Armstrong
Liaison: North Shore
Chris Appleby
Liaison: South Fraser
Tamara Van Den Brink
Liaison: Fraser Valley
Fraser Sim
Liaison: Lower and Upper Vancouver Island
Colin Hardwick
Liaison: Northern, Thompson Okanagan, Cariboo and Kootenays
Mark Eckerle
Liaison: Vancouver, Richmond and
North Island
Ralph Luongo
Vice President Adult
Liaison: All Adult Leagues (full and associate members)

Contact a member of our Board

BC Soccer Committees

BC Soccer’s decision-making processes are supported by both Standing and Operational Committees, guided by Operating Principles and Composition Structure.

Judicial Bodies

BC Soccer also receives inquiries regarding the Judicial Structure and Disciplinary decision-making process, which are independent from BC Soccer Board and Staff Members, and we direct you to the Discipline Complaints and Appeals page.