Safe Sport
Safety & Education Resources & Response
Safety & Education Resources
Safety should be a primary consideration for all participants when delivering soccer activity to any age group. All sport leaders should commit to having up-to-date first-aid kits, an Emergency Action Plan, and an understanding of concussion protocols and policies. The club or organization you represent may already have policies and materials available to you. In this section, we'll share some of the most common sport safety resources. You can also use the search tool to find specific topics. BC Soccer has also committed to Safe Sport, which transcends sport specific injuries.
Health & Safety Guidelines
Participant health and safety is a high priority for BC Soccer; thus it is recommended to err on the side of caution if ever in doubt in any situation regarding the health and safety of participants. The following guidelines have been developed to support members and affiliated clubs when assessing Air Quality and Extreme Heat Conditions:
View BC Soccer's Air Quality Guidelines View BC Soccer’s Extreme Heat Guidelines
Coach Education
Concussion Management
Safety of all participants is the responsibility of everyone involved in soccer!
BC Soccer recommends coaches to complete concussion training, parents take an active role to understand concussion symptoms. All organizations under BC Soccer's membership are to have a concussion management plan and distribute appropriate resources to support the plan.
Return to Play - Post Injury
A typical RTP process will be made up of 6 steps. There must be a minimum of 24 hours before each step is assessed although this could be considerably longer than 24 hours. Oversight should be provided by a medical professional. CLICK HERE to view the 6-step process.
Making Headway (Coaching Association of Canada / National Coaching Certification Program) - CLICK HERE to register.
Concussion Management (SportMed BC) - CLICK HERE to register.
Concussion Awareness Training Tool (BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit) - CLICK HERE to register for free
All members under BC Soccer must adhere to BC Soccer's Concussion Policy.
Linked here is Canada Soccer Concussion Policy.
Response & Resources
Following publication of a blog in February 2019 containing troubling accounts from within a higher performance team environment, and assertions of systemic cultural behaviours within our sport, BC Soccer’s Board of Directors determined the association must conduct a thorough third-party review focusing on safety in the sport of soccer in our province.
Rubin Thomlinson LLP Report
Rubin Thomlinson LLP was retained as the independent investigators in Spring 2019 and the process of gathering information began, starting with an open invitation to participate in a wider ranging survey, followed by targeted surveys within the BC Soccer Premier League, Provincial soccer programs, and finally one-on-one interviews of individuals who volunteered to do so. The procedure also included a full review of the bylaws, rules and policies of BC Soccer.
Led by Marisha Roman, Rubin Thomlinson LLP finalized the report on December 19, 2019 and provided it to BC Soccer. On December 20, 2019, the Report was shared publicly on BC Soccer’s website and through direct communication to members and affiliated clubs across BC Soccer’s social media channels. Within the report, Rubin Thomlinson LLP provide suggested recommendations to BC Soccer to improve the manner in which it, as the governing body for the sport of soccer in BC, supports safety and addresses concerns about safety in the sport of soccer in BC.